A Trip to London - The Routine of a Traveler (by Manuel Palomares García)

A Trip to London - The Routine of a Traveler

Because even in the smallest periods of time, the human being tends to make routines. This one trip to London has been such a wonder to me that even now in Spain my body is thinking on what I used to do there, even if it was only a 5 day trip.

So let me tell you a little bit about the day in the life of a traveler. First I got up at 7 AM in the morning, got dressed, and rapidly went downstairs to get a huge English breakfast before the breakfast room got busy, then back upstairs to wait for my roomate to get ready, and after he was ready time to go to Starbucks, the park and the nearest store, before the meeting time.

Personally I think that London is best enjoyed in freedom. That being said, however, I did enjoy very much what was planned for us during the day, and in spite of the fact that many people complained, all the walking that we did was a great experience and such a fascinating aspect of the city; if you are in the center you can go to every important place with your legs alone.

Lastly I'd like to point out that, in my opinion, Candem Town was the best & my favourite part of the trip (honorable mentions: National History Museum and Covent Garden), the market had so many things that I wanted to buy, but unfortunately, time played against me on that one. I hope to return sooner than later.

Note: The attached photo has been taken in Candem

Camden Town En Londres Foto de stock y más banco de imágenes de Camden -  Centro de Londres - Camden - Centro de Londres, Camden Town, Adulación -  iStock
